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74. Sphere-to-icosahedron droplet shape transformations in interfacially-frozen Pickering emulsions.

A. V. Butenko, E. Hsu, D. A. Matoz-Fernandez, L. Shool, A. B. Schofield, D. Lee, E. Sloutskin, 
ACS Nano 19, 7793 (2025)


73. Controlling clouds-to-scars dislocations’ transitions on spherical crystal shells. 
S. Davidyan, D. A. Matoz-Fernandez, A. V. Butenko, I. García-Aguilar, L. Giomi, and E. Sloutskin,
Phys. Rev. Res. 6, 043098 (2024).

72. Non-classical Euler buckling and Brazier instability in cylindrical liquid droplets.

E. Hsu, D. Lee, and E. Sloutskin,

Nano Lett. 24, 8717 (2024). 


71. "Magic numbers" in self-faceting of alcohol-doped emulsion droplets.

S. Hacmon, S. R. Liber, L. Shool, A. V. Butenko, A. Atkins, and E. Sloutskin,

Small 19, 2301637 (2023). 


70. Counterions under a surface-adsorbed cationic surfactant monolayer: structure and thermodynamics.
E. Sloutskin, L. Tamam, Z. Sapir, B. M. Ocko, C. D. Bain, I. Kuzmenko, T. Gog, and M. Deutsch,
Langmuir 38, 12356 (2022).


69. Topology-driven surface patterning of liquid spheres.

S. Das, A. V. Butenko, Y. Mastai, M. Deutsch, and E. Sloutskin,

Nat. Phys. 18, 1177 (2022)   


68. Salt-induced stability and modified interfacial energetics in self-faceting emulsion droplets.
P. M. Nanikashvili, A. V. Butenko, M. Deutsch, D. Lee, and E. Sloutskin,
J. Colloid Interface Sci. 621, 131 (2022).

67. Anomalous temperature-controlled concave-convex switching of curved oil-water menisci.
L. Shool, A. V. Butenko, S. R. Liber, Y. Rabin, and E. Sloutskin,
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 12, 6834 (2021).


66. Reply to comment on “Faceting and flattening of emulsion droplets: a mechanical model".
I. García-Aguilar, A. Atkins, P. Fonda, E. Sloutskin, and L. Giomi,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 259802 (2021).    arXiv:2106.16167


65. Faceting and flattening of emulsion droplets. 
I. García-Aguilar, P. Fonda, E. Sloutskin, and L. Giomi,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 038001 (2021). 

                  PRL Editor's suggestion. 

                  Featured in Physics.

64. Polyhedral liquid droplets: Recent advances in elucidation and application.

O. Marin, M. Tkachev, E. Sloutskin*, and M. Deutsch,

Curr. Opin. Colloid Interface Sci. 49, 107-117 (2020).   *corresponding author


63. Polyhedral water droplets: shape transitions and mechanism.
S. R. Liber, O. Marin, A. V. Butenko, R. Ron, L. Shool, A. Salomon, M. Deutsch, and E. Sloutskin,
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 142, 8672-8678 (2020).


62. Nanoparticle positioning on liquid and polymerized faceted droplets.

O. Marin, M. Deutsch, D. Zitoun, and E. Sloutskin,

J. Phys. Chem. C. 123, 28192-28200 (2019).


61. Precise self-positioning of colloidal particles on liquid emulsion droplets.

S. R. Liber, A. V. Butenko, M. Caspi, S. Guttman, M. Schultz, A. B. Schofield, M. Deutsch, and E. Sloutskin,

Langmuir 35, 13053-13061 (2019).


60. Periodic buckling and grain boundary slips in a colloidal model of solid friction.
E. Janai, A. V. Butenko, A. B. Schofield, and E. Sloutskin,
Soft Matter 15, 5227 (2019).


59. Nanostructures, faceting, and splitting in nano- to yocto-liter liquid droplets.

S. Guttman, E. Kesselman, A. Jacob, O. Marin, D. Danino, M. Deutsch, and E. Sloutskin,

Nano Lett. 19, 3161 (2019).


58. Imaging of nanoparticle dynamics in live and apoptotic cells using temporally-modulated polarization.
O. Wagner, M. Schultz, E. Edri, R. Meir, E. Barnoy, A. Meiri, H. Shpaisman, E. Sloutskin, and Z. Zalevsky,
Sci. Rep. 9, 1650 (2019).


57. Self-faceting of emulsion droplets as a route to solid icosahedra and other polyhedra.

O. Marin, M. Alesker, S. Guttman, G. Gershinsky, E. Edri, H. Shpaisman, R. E. Guerra, D. Zitoun, M. Deutsch,
and E. Sloutskin,

J. Colloid Interface Sci. 538, 541 (2019). 


56. Axial confocal tomography of capillary-contained colloidal structures.

S. R. Liber, G. Indech, E. B. van der Wee, A. V. Butenko, T. E. Kodger, P. J. Lu, A. B. Schofield, D. A. Weitz, A. van Blaaderen, and E. Sloutskin,

Langmuir 33, 13343 (2017).


55. Temperature-tuned faceting and shape-changes in liquid alkane droplets.

S. Guttman, Z. Sapir, B. M. Ocko, M. Deutsch, and E. Sloutskin,

Langmuir 33, 1305 (2017)


54. Photo-crosslinkable colloids: from fluid structure and dynamics of spheres to suspensions of ellipsoids.

A. P. Cohen, M. Alesker, A. B. Schofield, D. Zitoun, and E. Sloutskin,

Gels 2, 29 (2016).


53. Dipolar colloids in apolar media: direct microscopy of two-dimensional suspensions.

E. Janai, A. P. Cohen, A. V. Butenko, A. B. Schofield, M. Schultz, and E. Sloutskin,

Sci. Rep. 6, 28578 (2016).

             Supplementary Information

             Supporting video1

             Supporting video2


52. Direct imaging of vibrations in colloidal crystals: in equilibrium and in a steady drift.

E. Janai, A. V. Butenko, A. B. Schofield, and E. Sloutskin,

J. Phys. Chem. C 120, 8392 (2016).


51. Optical-tweezing-based linear-optics nanoscopy.

O. Wagner, M. Schultz, Y. Ramon, E. Sloutskin, and Z. Zalevsky,

Opt. Express 24, 8013 (2016).


50. Structural transition in a fluid of spheroids: A low-density vestige of jamming.

A. P. Cohen, S. Dorosz, A. B. Schofield, T. Schilling, and E. Sloutskin,

Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 098001 (2016).


49. From faceted vesicles to liquid icoshedra: Where topology and crystallography meet.

S. Guttman, B. M. Ocko, M. Deutsch, and E. Sloutskin,

Curr. Opin. Colloid Interface Sci. 22, 35 (2016).


48. How faceted liquid droplets grow tails.

S. Guttman, Z. Sapir, M. Schultz, A. V. Butenko, B. M. Ocko, M. Deutsch, and E. Sloutskin,

PNAS 113, 493 (2016).

                          This work in the news: NRGRotter.netHaaretz


47. Layering in sedimenting nanoparticle suspensions: the order-inducing role of randomness.

P. M. Nanikashvili, Y. Kapilov Buchman, L. L. Israel, J.-P. Lellouche, D. Zitoun, A. V. Butenko, and E. Sloutskin,

Colloids Surf. A 483, 248 (2015).


46. Crystallization and re-entrant melting of charged colloids in nonpolar solvents.

T. Kanai, N. Boon, P. J. Lu, E. Sloutskin, A. B. Schofield, F. Smallenburg, R. van Roij, M. Dijkstra, and D. A. Weitz,

Phys. Rev. E 91, 030301R (2015).


45. Surfactant-induced phases in water-supported alkane monolayers: I. Thermodynamics.

S. Yefet*, E. Sloutskin*, L. Tamam, Z. Sapir, A. Cohen, M. Deutsch, and B. M. Ocko,

Langmuir 30, 8000 (2014).         * equal contributions


44. Surfactant-induced phases in water-supported alkane monolayers: II. Structure.

S. Yefet*, E. Sloutskin*, L. Tamam, Z. Sapir, M. Deutsch, and B. M. Ocko,

Langmuir 30, 8010 (2014).         * equal contributions


43. Critical onset of layering in sedimenting suspensions of nanoparticles.

A. V. Butenko, P. M. Nanikashvili, D. Zitoun, and E. Sloutskin,

Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 188301 (2014).  


42. Denser fluids of charge-stabilized colloids form denser sediments.

P. M. Nanikashvili, A. V. Butenko, S. R. Liber, D. Zitoun, and E. Sloutskin,

Soft Matter 10, 4913 (2014).


41. Locating particles accurately in microscope images requires image-processing kernels to be rotationally-symmetric.

P. J. Lu, M. Shutman, E. Sloutskin, and A. V. Butenko,

Opt. Express 21, 30755 (2013).


40. Dense colloidal fluids form denser amorphous sediments.

S. R. Liber, S. Borohovich, A. V. Butenko, A. B. Schofield, and E. Sloutskin,

PNAS 110, 5769 (2013).    


39. Structure and interactions in fluids of prolate colloidal ellipsoids: comparison between experiment, theory and simulation.

A. P. Cohen, E. Janai, D. C. Rapaport, A. B. Schofield, and E. Sloutskin,

J. Chem. Phys. 137, 184505 (2012).


38. Coiled to diffuse: Brownian motion of a helical bacterium.

A. V. Butenko, E. Mogilko, L. Amitai, B. Pokroy, and E. Sloutskin,

Langmuir 28, 12941 (2012).  Supporting Information + video


37. Non-crystalline colloidal clusters in two dimensions: size distributions and shapes.

E. Janai, A. B. Schofield, and E. Sloutskin,

Soft Matter 8, 2924 (2012).


36. Highly anisotropic thermal expansion in molecular films of dicarboxylic fatty acids.

L. Tamam, H. Kraack, E. Sloutskin, B. M. Ocko, and M. Deutsch,

Phys. Rev. B 85, 205449 (2012).


35. Fluid suspensions of colloidal ellipsoids: direct structural measurements.

A. P. Cohen, E. Janai, E. Mogilko, A. B. Schofield, and E. Sloutskin,

Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 238301 (2011).


34. Hydrogen-Bonded Order in Mercury-Supported Monolayers of End-Functionalized Alkanes.

L. Tamam, H. Kraack, E. Sloutskin, and M. Deutsch,

J. Phys. Chem. C 115, 25451 (2011).


33. Modification of deeply buried hydrophobic interfaces by ionic surfactants.

L. Tamam, D. Pontoni, Z. Sapir, S. Yefet, E. Sloutskin, B. M. Ocko, H. Reichert, and M. Deutsch,

PNAS 108, 5522 (2011).


32. The structure and phase diagram of chiral alkyl-serine monolayers on mercury.

L. Tamam, D. D. Medina, T. Menahem, Y. Mastai, E. Sloutskin, S. Yefet and M. Deutsch,

Soft Matter 6, 526 (2010).


31. Langmuir films of chiral molecules on mercury.

L. Tamam,  T. Menahem, Y. Mastai, B. M. Ocko, E. Sloutskin, S. Yefet, and M. Deutsch,

Langmuir 25, 5111 (2009).


30. Capillary wave dynamics and critical damping in an ionic liquid.

E. Sloutskin, P. Huber, M. Wolff, B.M. Ocko, A. Madsen, M. Sprung, V. Schön, J. Baumert, and M. Deutsch,

Phys. Rev. E  77, 060601(R) (2008).


29. Wetting, mixing and de-mixing in Langmuir-Gibbs films.

E. Sloutskin, Z. Sapir, L. Tamam, C.D. Bain, Q. Lei, M. Deutsch, and B.M. Ocko,

Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 136102 (2007).


28. The surface structure of concentrated aqueous solutions.

E. Sloutskin, J. Baumert, B.M. Ocko, I. Kuzmenko, A. Checco, L. Tamam, E. Ofer, T. Gog,  O. Gang, and M. Deutsch,

J. Chem. Phys. 126, 054704 (2007).


27. The phase diagram of a bilayer Ising model.

E. Sloutskin and M. Gitterman,

Physica A 376, 337 (2007).


26. Freezing transition in Langmuir-Gibbs alkane films on water.

E. Sloutskin, Z. Sapir, L. Tamam, B.M. Ocko, C.D. Bain, and M. Deutsch,

Thin Solid Films 515, 5664 (2007).


25. Langmuir films of anthracene derivatives on liquid mercury: I. Symmetric molecules.

L. Tamam, H. Kraack, E. Sloutskin, B.M. Ocko, P.S. Pershan, E. Ofer, and M. Deutsch,

J. Phys. Chem. C 111, 2573 (2007).


24. Langmuir films of anthracene derivatives on liquid mercury: II. Asymmetric molecules.

L. Tamam, H. Kraack, E. Sloutskin, B.M. Ocko, P.S. Pershan, E. Ofer, and M. Deutsch,

J. Phys. Chem. C 111, 2580 (2007).

23. Langmuir films of polycyclic molecules on mercury.

L. Tamam, H. Kraack, E. Sloutskin, B.M. Ocko, P.S. Pershan, and M. Deutsch,

Thin Solid Films 515, 5631 (2007).


22. Alkyl-thiol Langmuir films on the surface of liquid mercury.

H. Kraack, L. Tamam, E. Sloutskin, M. Deutsch, and B.M. Ocko,

Langmuir 23, 7571 (2007).


21. The surface structure of ionic liquids: comparing simulations with x-ray measurements.

E. Sloutskin, R.M. Lynden-Bell, S. Balasubramanian, and M. Deutsch,

J. Chem. Phys. 125, 174715 (2006).


20. Surface freezing in binary alkane/alcohol mixtures.

E. Ofer, E. Sloutskin, L. Tamam, B.M. Ocko, and M. Deutsch,

Phys. Rev. E 74, 21602 (2006).


19. Direct structural observation of a molecular junction by high-energy x-ray reflectometry.

M. Lefenfeld, J. Baumert, E. Sloutskin, P. Pershan, M. Deutsch, C. Nuckolls, and B. M. Ocko,

PNAS 103, 2541 (2006).


18. Surface layering in ionic liquids: An x-ray reflectivity study.

E. Sloutskin, B.M. Ocko, L. Tamam, I. Kuzmenko, T. Gog, and M. Deutsch,

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127, 7796 (2005).

See correction: J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127, 18333 (2005).


17. Surface freezing of chain molecules at the liquid–liquid and liquid–air interfaces.

E. Sloutskin, C. D. Bain, B.M. Ocko, and M. Deutsch,

Faraday Discuss. 129, 339 (2005).


16. Crystalline phases of alkyl-thiol monolayers on liquid mercury.

B.M. Ocko, H. Kraack, P. Pershan, E. Sloutskin, L. Tamam, and M. Deutsch,

Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 017802 (2005).


15. The structure of the mercaptobiphenyl monolayers on mercury.

L. Tamam, H. Kraack, E. Sloutskin, P.S. Pershan, A. Ulman, M. Deutsch, and B. M. Ocko,

J. Phys. Chem. B 109, 12534 (2005).


14. Surface and bulk interchange energy in surface-frozen binary mixtures of chain molecules.

E. Sloutskin, E.B. Sirota, O. Gang, X.Z. Wu, B.M. Ocko, and M. Deutsch,

Eur. Phys. J. E (Rapid) 13, 109 (2004).


13. Fatty acid Langmuir films on liquid mercury: X-ray and surface tension studies.

H. Kraack, B.M. Ocko, P.S. Pershan, E. Sloutskin, L. Tamam, and M. Deutsch,

Langmuir 20, 5375 (2004).


12. The structure and phase diagram of Langmuir films of alcohols on mercury.

H. Kraack, B.M. Ocko, P.S. Pershan, E. Sloutskin, L. Tamam, and M. Deutsch,

Langmuir 20, 5386 (2004).


11. A thin-thick transition in the surface-frozen layer of a binary alcohol mixture.

E. Sloutskin, H. Kraack, O. Gang, B.M. Ocko, E.B. Sirota, and M. Deutsch,

J. Chem. Phys. 118, 10729 (2003).


10. Surface freezing in binary mixtures of chain molecules I: alkane mixtures.

E. Sloutskin, X.Z. Wu, T.B. Peterson, O. Gang, B.M. Ocko, E.B. Sirota, and M. Deutsch,

Phys. Rev. E 68, 031605 (2003).


9. Surface freezing in binary mixtures of chain molecules II: dry and hydrated alcohol mixtures.

E. Sloutskin, O. Gang, H. Kraack, E.B. Sirota, B.M. Ocko, and M. Deutsch,

Phys. Rev. E  68, 031606 (2003).


8. The dependence of the auto-oscillation frequency of parametric spin-waves on the pumping power and inter mode interaction strengths.

I. Laulicht, E. Sloutskin, and S. R. Bishop,

Phys. Stat. Sol. B 236, 502 (2003).    


7. Langmuir films of normal-alkanes on the surface of liquid mercury.

H. Kraack, B.M. Ocko, P.S. Pershan, E. Sloutskin, and M. Deutsch,

J. Chem. Phys. 119, 10339 (2003).


6. Demixing transition in a quasi-two-dimensional surface-frozen layer.

E. Sloutskin, O. Gang, H. Kraack, B.M. Ocko, E.B. Sirota, and M. Deutsch,

Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 065501 (2002).


5. Surface and bulk phase behavior of dry and hydrated tetradecanol:octadecanol alcohol mixtures.

E. Sloutskin, E.B. Sirota, H. Kraack, O. Gang, A. Döerr, B.M. Ocko, and M. Deutsch,

J. Chem. Phys. 116, 8056 (2002).


4. Thermal expansion of surface-frozen monolayers of semifluorinated alkanes.

E. Sloutskin, H. Kraack, B. Ocko, J. Ellmann, M. Möller, P. Lo Nostro, and M. Deutsch,

Langmuir 18, 1963 (2002).


3. The dependence of the auto-oscillation frequency of parametric spin-waves on the pumping power and inter mode interaction strengths.

I. Laulicht, E. Sloutskin, and S. R. Bishop,

Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems 5, 240 (2002).


2. Structure of a Langmuir film on a liquid metal surface.

H. Kraack, B.M. Ocko, P.S. Pershan, E. Sloutskin, and M. Deutsch,

Science 298, 1404 (2002).


1. Surface freezing in n-alkane solutions: the relation to bulk phases.

E. Sloutskin, E.B. Sirota, H. Kraack, B.M. Ocko, and M. Deutsch,

Phys. Rev. E 64, 031708 (2001).

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