Our team
Eli Sloutskin (Prof.)
phone. +972 (0)3 738 4506
email: eli.sloutskin at biu.ac.il
Eli earned his Ph. D. from the Physics Department, Bar-Ilan University (Israel), in 2007. The Ph. D. research, carried out in the group of Prof. Moshe Deutsch, dealt with surface ordering phenomena in liquids. Eli studied these phenomena mainly by scattering techniques, employing x-rays radiation generated at high-brilliance synchrotron light sources: APS (USA), NSLS (USA), and ESRF (France). These experiments allowed the surface structure of ionic liquids, alkane and alcohol mixtures, and aqueous salt solutions to be resolved with an atomic resolution.
In 2007-2009 Eli worked as a postdoctoral research associate with Prof. David A. Weitz, at Harvard University (USA), employing confocal microscopy to study phase transitions in colloidal suspensions.
Since 2009, Eli is the PI at the Soft Condensed Matter Lab.
Assoc. Prof. 2016-2022
Full Prof. since 2022

Dr. Alexander V. Butenko
phone. +972 (0)3 738 4207
email: alexander.butenko at biu.ac.il
Alex got his Ph. D. from the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences Institute of Low Temperature Physics (Kharkov), working in Experimental Solid State Physics. Currently, he studies interfacially-frozen interfaces and emulsions.

Shirel Davidyan (MSc student)
phone. +972 (0)3 738 4507
Shirel studies the self-patterning of liquid emulsion droplets.
Shirel got her BSc from Bar-Ilan University.

Sagi Hacmon (MSc student)
phone. +972 (0)3 738 4507
Sagi studies the faceting transitions of liquid emulsion droplets.
Sagi got his BSc from Ariel University.

Lee Shool (PhD student)
phone. +972 (0)3 738 4507
Lee studies the two-dimensional order-disorder phase transitions of the oil:water interfaces.
Lee got her BSc and MSc from Bar-Ilan University.

Dr. Moty Schultz (researcher)
phone. +972 (0)3 738 4507
email: schultm2 at gmail.com
Moty employs holographic optical tweezing in several different projects:
development of new nanoscopy methods,
microrheology of interfacially-frozen emulsions,
heterogeneous melting of 2D- and 3D- colloidal crystals.
Moty got his PhD from Bar-Ilan University.

Shai Borohovich (undergraduate)
email: sshai82 at gmail.com
Currently at New Road Agencies
Shai studied the structure of non-crystalline jammed colloidal systems,
during his third-year as an undergraduate student at our department.

Moshe Caspi (MSc)
phone. +972 (0)3 738 4507
email: caspimoshe at gmail.com
Currently at Neteera Technologies Ltd
Moshe studied the viscoelastic properties of interfacially-frozen single molecular nano-layers, at oil-water interfaces. The studies employed microrheology. Moshe got his B.Sc. and M. Sc. from the Bar-Ilan University.

Dr. Avner Cohen
(M.Sc. 2009-2011, Ph. D. 2011-2016)
email: avnerco at gmail.com
Currently in defence industry
Avner studied the structure of fluid suspensions of
colloidal ellipsoids. Avner got his B.Sc. from the Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University (Israel). He got his M. Sc. and Ph. D. degrees from Bar-Ilan University. Upon graduation, Avner got the prestigious Katzir fellowship.

Dr . Shani Guttman
phone. +972 (0)3 531 7929
email: shanigut at gmail.com
Shani studied interfacial phenomena in oil-in-water emulsions. This project was a collaboration with Prof. Moshe Deutsch (Physics Department, Bar-Ilan University). Shani got her MSc and PhD from Bar-Ilan University. Shani is now employed at the Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel).

Dr. Erez Janai
(M.Sc. 2009-2011, Ph. D. 2011-2016)
email: ejanai at yahoo.com
Currently at Microtech Medical Technologies
Erez studied two-dimensional colloidal liquids, gels and crystals. Erez got his B.Sc. from the Jerusalem College of Technology (Israel). He got his M.Sc. and Ph. D. degrees from Bar-Ilan University.

Yonatan Ricardo (MSc)
(M.Sc. 2019-2021)
Currently an examiner at a patent office.
During his MSc Yonatan studied the microrheology of interfacially-frozen monolayers.
Yonatan got his BSc from Bar-Ilan University and completed his MSc at our lab.

Ganit Indech (MSc)
(M.Sc. 2015-2017)
email: ganitind at gmail.com
Currently a PhD student with Prof. Sharoni (Bar-Ilan University)
During her MSc, Ganit developed, together with her collaborators, the axial confocal tompography of dense colloidal fluids. This technique allows the structure of such fluids to be measured, with the resolution maximized in all spatial directions. Ganit got her BSc from Bar-Ilan University and completed her MSc at our lab.

Shir Liber [Hochwald] (PhD)
(Graduated in 2020)
email: shir.hochwald at gmail.com
Currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Faculty of Engineering, Bar-Ilan University.
Shir employed optical microscopy techniques to study the effects of geometrical
frustration in a wide range of soft condensed matter systems: from colloidal sediments to faceted liquid droplets. She discovered the faceting in oil-suspended droplets of liquid water. She also studied the topological-defect-mediated attraction of surface-adsorbed colloidal particles to the vertices of the faceted liquid droplets.

Orlando Marin (PhD student)
(Graduated in 2020)
email: orlan_vsprache8 at hotmail.com
Currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Weizmann Institute of Science
Orlando got his BSc in Materials Science from the National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan. Orlando obtained his MSc from the National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan), where he worked in the group of Prof. A. C. M. Young. During his PhD studies, Orlando developed a new strategy in synthesis of polyhedral colloids and nanoparticles. In particular, this strategy allows icosahedral colloids and nanoparticles to be formed. While icosahedral particles are highly-demanded for a wide range of potential applications, no polymeric sub-micron-size icosahedra could previously be formed. Also, no icosahedral particles of any material could be formed on the visible light wavelength scale. Orlando's strategy, which allowed such particles to be formed, is based on the spontaneous faceting of liquid emulsion droplets.

Dr. Emma Mogilko (researcher)
email: mogilke at mail.biu.ac.il
Emma employed confocal microscopy and light scattering to study the Brownian motion of simple and complex-shape sterically stabilized colloids.

Maor Shutman (undergraduate)
email: maorus12 at gmail.com
Currently at Samsung Israel R&D
Maor worked at our lab during his third-year undergraduate studies
at our department. Maor studied the structure of non-crystalline
colloidal sediments, employing confocal microscopy.